Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) Personal Stories

We have assembled a library of  personal story videos and podcasts about Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). We hope you will find these stories relatable and informative. As with all materials on our TED Community Organization website, we are presenting them, but do not endorse a particular point of view about TED nor do we recommend a specific treatment method. If you have a TED personal story video or podcast that has been helpful to you, please let us know:

The above TED eyes artwork is by Roseanne and is part of the INSIDE OUT TED ART project. 

Susan’s TED Journey

Jesse’s Story

Layla’s TED Journey

Cynthia’s TED Journey

Grace’s Story

Andrea’s Story

Christine’s Story

Portraits of Life – 3 TED Patients

Ron & Vickie’s Story

Portraits of Life with Thyroid Eye Disease

Gail Devers Story

Living with Graves’ Disease & TED

TED Community Organization

We Educate
We Support
We Connect
All those affected by Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)

You’ll never walk alone.

ted community foundation - thyroid eye disease non profit