TED Connect: One-on-One Support & Friendship

You are not alone. TED Connect allows you to be in touch with another thyroid eye disease patient, care partner, or support advocate. Because we are a community and not medical professionals, we ask that you share at the level of your own experience and avoid giving advice. It’s important to follow the guidelines of TED Support as outlined below – click the plus sign.

Participating in a one-on-one support program can be a valuable experience for navigating the often arduous and lonely thyroid eye disease (TED) journey.  Whether you’re the one seeking support or providing it (or both), here are some general guidelines to enhance the effectiveness of the program:

For Individuals Seeking Support

Set Clear Goals:
Clearly define your objectives and what you hope to achieve through the support program. This will help guide your discussions and focus on specific areas of improvement.

Be Open and Honest:
Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly. Honesty fosters a trusting relationship and allows for more meaningful support.

Take Initiative:
Actively engage in the support process. Ask questions and be proactive in letting the other person get to know you.

Provide Feedback:
Share your thoughts on the effectiveness of the support you’re receiving. This helps refine the process and ensures your needs are being met.

Respect Boundaries:
Be mindful of your supporter’s time and expertise. Respect the established boundaries and guidelines for the support program.

Stay Committed:
Consistency is key. Attend scheduled sessions and stay committed to the process even when facing challenges.

Be Open to Change:
Embrace the possibility of change and personal growth. Be willing to explore new perspectives and adopt different approaches to address your challenges.

For Individuals Providing Support

Establish Trust:
Create a safe and non-judgmental environment where the individual seeking support feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.

Active Listening:
Practice active listening skills to fully understand the individual’s needs. Reflective listening and clarifying questions can enhance comprehension.

Empathy and Understanding:
Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging the individual’s feelings and validating their experiences. Show understanding and compassion.

Encourage Self-Reflection:
Prompt the individual to reflect on their thoughts and actions. Encourage self-awareness and help them discover their own insights and solutions.

Provide Constructive Feedback:
Offer feedback in a constructive and positive manner. Focus on strengths and areas of your own experience without giving advice outside or your experience.

Set Realistic Expectations:
Establish achievable goals and expectations in terms of meet ups.

Respect Confidentiality:
Maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of the individual seeking support. Ensure that discussions remain confidential unless there is a risk of harm.

Regular Check-Ins:
Schedule regular check-ins to build a strong relationship. This helps maintain a dynamic and responsive support process.

Remember, the success of a one-on-one support program depends on the commitment, openness, and collaboration of both individuals involved. Clear communication and a positive, respectful attitude contribute significantly to the effectiveness of the support dynamic.

To participate in TED Connect, please fill out the form below and submit.

Please let us know if you would like to be matched with another by gender, location, or other specification.
This page is made possible by the extensive work done by TED patient: Andrea Perryman.