TED Community Forum

No one ever needs to walk alone through the TED journey. This forum offers a place for people with TED, caregivers and loved ones to connect with each other, ask questions, and share experiences. It’s important to follow the rules of the forum as outlined below – click the plus sign.

The above artwork is titled “floaters” and was created during our TED ART meet up. The floaters are “us” as we interact with each other and how we move in and out of each others’ space. At times, floating away from the crowd to enjoy a time of solitude.

1. Be respectful: Treat others with kindness and respect, even if you do not agree with their views or experiences. Avoid using offensive language or making any personal attacks. Focus on constructive discussions.

2. Stay on topic:
Keep the discussion focused on thyroid eye disease and related topics. Avoid posting unrelated content or spamming the forum with unrelated messages.

3. Protect your privacy:
Don’t share personal information about yourself or others in the forum. This includes your contact details or medical history.

4. Be open-minded.
Be open to different opinions and viewpoints, and refrain from attacking others for their beliefs. Engage in constructive debates and discussions, promoting a healthy exchange of ideas.

5. Report inappropriate content:
If you come across any inappropriate content, please report it to the moderators: forum@tedcommunity.org

6. No medical advice:
Do not give or ask for medical advice, as the forum is not a substitute for professional medical care.

7. Support each other:
Encourage and support each other in your journey with thyroid eye disease.

8. Moderated forum: The TED Community forum is moderated in that posts must be approved before they appear on the website. In appropriate content will not be approved or will be removed at the discretion of the moderator.

This page is made possible by the extensive work done by TED patient: Jacque Boogher.