TED Builders Workshop 2024 ~ Hosted by Immunovant / New York City
November 12-14 the TED Community Builders gathered in New York City at the Immunovant office on 37th Street. It was an opportunity to brainstorm ideas for our 2025 TED Quality of Life Program. We then flipped the TED patient narrative and explored the idea of our individual “Hero’s Journey” with thyroid eye disease. Jacque lead us in a building blocks art project with a focus on HOPE for the future of TED. We learned new skills related to social media and support groups. We enjoyed a beautiful dinner with Jaye Bea, our host from Immunovant. And concluded the workshop with a heartfelt conversation about our individual experience with this rare autoimmune.
A special thanks to the team at Immunovant who hosted a reception for us, gave us the space for our workshop, ensured we had excellent meals, and reminded us that we are supported in the most beautiful ways.
Workshop & ART Project Photography: Jesse Glass
Quotes from In-Person NYC 2024 TED Builders Workshop
“Everyone was so engaged and you could feel the energy. Great experience.”
“Lots of solid ideas from the Quality of Life Think Tank!”
“Thanks to Immunovant for hosting us in a very comfortable & warm setting.”
“Everyone has there personal journey but we have the same goal: Take our lives back!”
“Loved hearing from others about their personal experience with thyroid eye disease.”
“The restaurant was wonderful. Food was delicious. Great conversation!”
“The support group talk by Jaye Bea was very valuable. I’m very grateful for this opportunity to learn.”
“Sharing stories with everyone was something special!”
“Hope is exactly what the TED Community provides.”
“Loved the speaker about social media. Lots of great information.”
“I really enjoyed the opportunity to share my experience through art!”
“Loved the group presentations about the Quality of Life Program. Amazing!”
“The ‘Hero’s Journey’ was a powerful way to look at our stories and reframe our mindset.”
“The art project was beautiful. Loved seeing the collective art project.”
“Designing the Quality of Life Program was powerful!!”
“5-Stars! Thank you!”
TED Community Organization
We Educate
We Support
We Connect
Everyone affected by Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)
You’ll never walk alone.