ted art & creative studio


Saturday, March 22 – 1pm PST, 3pm CST, 4pm EST

March is Autoimmune Awareness Month!

Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is one of over 100 known autoimmune diseases affecting approximately 50 million Americans.

In this special art session, we come together not only to express our personal journeys but also to amplify our collective voice in advocating for research, better treatments, and more resources. Together, let’s channel the power of creativity to raise awareness, inspire change, and show our support for those living with autoimmune diseases.

Theme: “Unmasking TED” – Collaborative Mural

  • Concept: To create a visual representation of our shared experiences living with TED, including those of caregivers and advocates, highlighting the need for increased research, visibility, and support.
  • Objective: To create a visual representation of our shared experiences living with TED, highlighting the need for increased research, visibility, and support.
  • Suggested Mediums: Acrylic paints, paint pens, watercolor, clay, mixed media, or words/pictures.
making peace with thyroid eye disease TED

“Making Peace with TED” is the subject of a TED ART project.


Topic: TED ART & Creative Studio

Date: March 22nd

1-2:30pm PST, 3-4:30pm CST, 4-5:30pm EST

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