Learn about thyroid eye disease so you can best navigate the TED journey.
Education empowers! We are using the TED EDU webinar platform to bring you highly relevant and timely topics related to thyroid eye disease. Each webinar is up to 30 minutes long and packed with practical information to help you navigate the confusing, at times overwhelming, arduous, and often lonely TED journey.
Below is our introductory TED EDU webinar, featuring Layla Lohmann, the host of TED EDU webinars. Layla wears many hats. She is a mom, a dentist, a TED patient, a wife, and a friend. Layla has been living with TED since childhood.
Thank you for watching TED EDU. The TED Community Organization webinars are provided for educational purposes only. They do not replace medical care or advice from a physician. It is important to work closely with a healthcare provider to manage and treat TED. Please review our TED Community disclaimer.
If you would like to submit comments or suggestions for future TED EDU webinars, please email: hello@TEDcommunity.org.