Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) Videos
We have assembled a library of videos related to Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). We hope you will find them interesting and informative. As with all materials on our TED Community Organization website, we are presenting them, but do not endorse a particular point of view about TED nor do we recommend a specific treatment method. If you have a TED video that has been helpful to you, please let us know:
The above four mandalas are the result of a TED ART project.
Living Well with Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)
LeapCure Interview about Thyroid Eye Disease
Visit the LeapCure TED page.
Graves & Thyroid Eye Disease
Dr. Gary Lelli: TED Basics
Portraits of Life with Thyroid Eye Disease
Graves’ Disease & TED
Spotlight on Thyroid Eye Disease
Living well with TED
Living with TED – One Man’s Perspective
World Thyroid Day, Thursday May 25th
What is TED?
Thyroid Eye Disease Explained
Facial appearance change with TED?
Signs & Symptoms of TED
Living with TED
TED Community Organization
We Educate
We Support
We Connect
All those affected by Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)